MFORTEH Stephen AMBE is the Head of the English department at the University of Yaounde I, which he has chaired since his appointment in 2013.

Between 2015/2016 he was Visiting professor at the Bayreuth International Graduate School of African Studies, Germany. In 2016, he headed a delegation of aspiring and senior scholars to seminars and workshops sponsored by the Bayreuth International Graduate School of African Studies, Germany. Since then, he is a member of the African Cluster of Excellence Research Team, University of Bayreuth-Germany and has been visiting Germany every year as part of this program. In his career as teacher-researcher, he has supervised more than 100 Masters, DIPES II students and fifteen PhD theses. His research areas are Stylistics, Sociolinguistics and Pragmatics.

In 2018, he was appointed as the Head of the National Centre for Education, Ministry of Scientific Research and Innovation, where he is the Editor-in-Chief of the International Review of Human and Social Sciences. Apart from his administrative duties as Chief of Centre, he has also coordinated more than 06 research projects financed by the Public Investment Budget.

Some Key Publications

  • 2021, with José Donadoni MANGA KALNIGA (eds.), Réfugiés et déplacés internes au Cameroun. Fragilités, normes et pratiques de réhabilitation, Paris, éditions Connaissances et Savoirs.
  • 2021, with VEYU, Ernest (eds.), Globalisation and Transitional Ideologies: Moving the Margins through Language and Literature. Dallas: Ken Scholars publishing.
  • 2018, with ANYANG Sarah and MANYAKA TOKO DJOCKOUA (eds.). 2018. Emerging Perspectives on Alobwed’Epie. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • 2015, “Foreign official languages and cultural alienation in Cameroon: Socio-economic and political perspectives”, Annals of the Faculty of Arts, Letters and Social Sciences, Yaounde 2 (17): 201-214.
  • 2011, with ANCHIMBE Eric A. (eds.), Postcolonial Linguistic Voices: Identity Choices and Representations. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.


stephenmforteh@gmail.com; ambemforteh@yahoo.fr

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